Business Associates

Business Associates

Business Associates are representatives of the organization who independently trade textile products on behalf of DMI under its umbrella and using its network and resources.

BA might have access to and bring in new suppliers or buyers owing to their long years of experience and which could bring out new business possibilities; Similarly, BA might have business ideas that could boost current business and also lead to new business.

BA program is especially designed to help those talents that are from textile industries and have excellent knowledge and experience in sales & marketing of textile products from fiber to fabric but are hesitant to start their own business. Being a Business Associates would boost one’s income and increase credibility in the textile industry 

As a BA we expect to tap this experience and convert it into a sustainable business model, effectively making it a win-win formula for both DMI and BA.

Advantage of Business Associates:

  • Be able to start a business under an umbrella of a renowned brand in textile trading
  • Be able to control and manage buyers and suppliers with authority using the DMI expertise 
  • Minimal operating costs but profit sharing of 20% flat
  • With more people joining this scheme one would create a strong ecosystem making one dominate the supply and buying chain.
  • DMI has a history of supporting subagents and the stellar reputation of never violating agreements, thus making this a reliable and safe venture for the BA.