How Do Top B2B Textile Companies in India Find Customers?

We all know how vast and competitive the textile industry is. As a textile company in India,
you only have one chance to captivate your prospective customer and create a first
impression. But how do you do that if you don’t meet someone new? Finding a B2B
customer is a tough nut to crack; you must determine your ideal customer’s characteristics
and know where to look for them.
In that case, we can help you. Whether you are looking for cotton buyers in India or the
international market, our inspired strategies will help you find the perfect customer for your
B2B textile business.

Associate with Your Existing Customers Personally

Are your existing customers happy and satisfied? If yes, they will be the primary key to
finding new customers. Try to bring new things on the plate to make them even happier.
And if you are unsure, now is the time to get them to know you better.
Here are a few proven engagement strategies that DMI uses to bond with our customers and
make them happy.
– Show genuine interest in what they do. Visit them at their offices and get to know
their business. If they are a manufacturer, you can recommend them to retailers that
are looking for products they sell. If they are retailers, invest in their textile products.
– Host a get-together or event for all your customers. Use this as an opportunity to
address challenges in your trade and discuss better practices.
– Solve your customer’s problems in different ways – a VIP-only webinar, new product
introduction, better pricing plans, or new sales strategy.
One highly satisfied customer is worth ten unsatisfied ones. If you live up to their
expectations, they will definitely be your brand advocate and bring more cotton buyers into
the business.

Be Your Customer’s Friend

Know your customers inside out so that you provide the solution when they have a need or a
challenge to address. Here are the questions that will bring you closer to your customer.
– What industry is your customer involved in, such as retail, manufacturing,
distribution, online, etc.?

– Who are your customer’s customers? By understanding your customer’s customers,
you can understand their challenges better and provide better solutions.
– What problems do your customers need to address the most? For example, import
challenges, online trading, eco-friendly products, organizational goals, inventory, and
IT security.
– Who or what does your ideal customer trust? It could be a brand or an organization. It
could also be a process, a software tool, and a sales strategy.

Find New Customers in Your Existing Customer’s Network

When you need to find a cotton buyer, seeking your existing customer’s help isn’t bad. You
can make your customers aware that you are open to new opportunities without being pushy.
For instance, you can explain that you have expanded your capacities and can accommodate
new companies or orders. Don’t forget to mention the product or industry you are targeting. It
could be the same industry or product as your customers or something different. For example,
if you sell cotton fabric online to an Indian customer, you can look for silk prospects in India
through them.
What’s the Best Way to Approach Your Existing Customer?
B2B textile companies work differently from retail brands. Top textile companies in India
ally based on trust, assurance, and loyalty. So, a simple text will not work.
You need to create a strategy to make your network associates understand what type of
prospects you are looking for.
– During a casual lunch or dinner party, mention that you are trying to find new
customers. Remember the get-together idea we told you about? They make a perfect
occasion for icebreakers.
– Use emails to discuss your business with existing customers and ask for
recommendations. Emails are great B2B marketing tools that can garner good results.
– Social media is also useful for sharing customer stories and triggering action.

Invest in Social Media and Social Selling

Today 90% of the top textile companies in India are on social media, like LinkedIn,
expanding their network connections and generating sales from ad campaigns. Social selling
can produce great value if used properly.
While social media engagement takes a lot of time and doesn’t produce immediate results, it
is still an enormous place to find customers and sell your products.
It allows your brand to stay in the vicinity of your customers and their network connections.
Example: Reading the post of your customer and leaving a comment.

If you comment on your customer’s post, your customer will be happy to learn that you made
an effort. Anyone from their network of contacts could see your comment, like it, and check
your profile, opening the door to a potential opportunity.

Keep Your Customer Close, and Your Industry Peers Closers
Inspiration always strikes at odd places. And in your case, it could be your industry peers.
They are competitors who do what you do.
Get inspired by them to find hidden treasures. The simplest way to do it is to observe what
they are doing, try out things they excel at, and learn from their mistakes. Add your personal
touch to their sales campaigns so they don’t look plagiarized.
For instance, if they have launched a website, you also launch a blog site and post articles
that can help your customers learn more about the industry.

DMI trading services are designed to make your business easier by helping you connect with
the right buyer or seller. We are associated with 500+ top textile companies in India and 80+
countries worldwide, including knitters, weavers, suppliers, manufacturers, exporters,
importers, and cotton buyers and sellers. Once you register, we will prioritize you for any
new offer or enquiry placed with us.
For more details, you can talk to our trading expert directly.

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